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UCPBA-Montreal Holds Its AGM

Jul 15, 2014 | Community, Newpathway

The Ukrainian-Canadian Professional and Business Association of Montreal (UCPBA) held its Annual General Meeting at the Ukrainian Youth Centre on June 26, 2014, electing Vasyl Pawlowsky president for the 2014-2016 term.
This year, UCPBA-Montreal will mark its 60th anniversary (1954-2014). The outgoing president Zorianna Hryenko-Luhova, who was the first woman president of the Montreal club, serving several terms, provided a partial list with her president’s report of an overview of the many outstanding speakers the Montreal club organized in the past. This gave a background to newer members of the diverse Ukrainian-Canadian issues the club addressed, and called for a continuation of active community involvement.
A UCPB Federation Convention is planned for September 2014, in which a new Federation executive will be elected and a new Federation constitution will be ratified. Federation president, Mykhailo Wawryshyn, stated that now it is more important than ever to have
UCPBA-Montreal Holds Its AGMa strong Ukrainian diaspora, a strong Federation and branches to take a leadership role Canada-wide in many areas.
Outgoing Montreal president, Z. H-Luhova, stressed at the AGM the need to organize the archives to ensure the historical record of the club is documented, the need to continue to work closely with the university students, the need to support the project-proposal spearheaded by Orest Humenny of establishing one Ukrainian center in Montreal, and the need to continue to work closely and support Spirit Lake Internment Interpretative Centre near Amos, Quebec.
Following her report, she introduced the new president, Vasyl Pawlowsky, who worked for ten years in Ukraine for NGO’s and was the secretary and president of Ukraine’s first English-language Rotary Club in Kyiv. In his remarks he affirmed his commitment to reach out to university graduates, to re-build the club’s membership and increase the use of social media in building interaction between members.

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