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Bukovyna is contributing to Ukraine’s victory

Apr 22, 2022 | News, Ukraine, Featured

The city of Chernivtsi, downtown

Anna Ustenko for New Pathway – Ukrainian News, Ternopil.

Ukraine’s Southwestern city of Сhernivtsi is located within 50 km of the Romanian border. Currently, Bukovyna, just like other regions in the west of Ukraine, is welcoming an unprecedented number of internally displaced. Most of these people require housing, food, medical assistance and other kinds of help. According to the local authorities, those in need can receive all the required aid and support.

The region has already welcomed around 100,000 displaced people. Despite the challenges of such a demographic shift for the region’s healthcare and social services, as well as for the ordinary citizens, the region seems to be adapting to the new way of life quite well.

Presently, in Chernivtsi a number of foreign and local NGOs are providing those in need with shelter, food, clothes and other necessities. Asociatia MGM, Dopomoha Bukovyny, World Central Kitchen, Lions Club Augsburg – Elias Holl, Die Pallottiner, Bird of Light Ukraine, and some others are offering all kinds of aid and helping deliver the most needed products and materials.

One such organization, a Spanish «Remar S.O.S.», opened its doors several days ago. Having set up a large humanitarian base in the city centre, «Remar» volunteers are helping feed more than a thousand people daily. Additionally, the organization distributes clothes and weekly family food packages and provides around a hundred places for a night stay in a large tent.

Despite being very distant from the war zone, the city of Chernivtsi is taking all the necessary precautions. For example, the entrances to some of the government buildings have been lined up with sandbags for extra protection. The municipal authorities have put up the signs with directions to the bomb shelters throughout the city. The air raid sirens go off almost daily. Authorities urge people to regard such alerts with utmost observance.

It is evident that no part of Ukrainian territory is secure from the potential shelling and bombardments, even the western-most regions. Just on Monday, April 18th, a total of seven people were killed in a russian air raid carried on Lviv. The Chernivtsi region has so far been spared of the bombings, likely, thanks to Ukraine’s air defense systems.

The government of Ukraine is urging all sectors of the economy to function as usual to prevent a deeper economic crisis in Ukraine. Under the special governmental program, a number of factories from the most dangerous areas keep relocating to the safer regions. The Bukovyna has already welcomed over 60 companies.

Although some of the establishments in Chernivtsi remain closed, the majority operate as usual. Some eating places offer free meals to anyone in need. Chernivtsi’s local businesses are encouraged to provide jobs for the internally displaced Ukrainians.

In the meantime, on the verge of Easter, volunteers are gathering to bake Ukrainian Easter breads — Paska. The paskas will go to the front lines, to the Ukrainian soldiers in the east who are fighting for the freedom of their country.

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