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Світлої пам’яті Роман Шилестинський

Nov 10, 2020 | Featured, In Memoriam

Шановна Українська Громадо!

З глибоким сумом повідомляємо, що 23 жовтня 2020 р. відійшов у вічність славний син українського народу, який в силу обставин проживав і закінчив свій життєвий шлях на канадській землі, світлої пам’яті Роман Шилестинський. Він був відданим патріотом України і дієвим членом багатьох українських організацій в Торонто, а саме: Украінського Національного Об’єднання Канади, Української Стрілецької Громади Канади, дирекції тижневика “Новий Шлях”, організації ім. О. Ольжича та ряду менших організацій.

У похороні, що відбувся на цвинтарі св. Володимира в Оквілі 29 жовтня 2020 р., взяли участь представники вищезгаданих організацій, родина і друзі покійного. З коротким прощальним словом виступила Павлина Загребельна, близька приятелька родини Шилестинських, колишня довголітня голова Крайової Управи Організаціі Українок Канади. Прощальне слово виголосили також Юрій Сергійчук, секретар Управи Української Стрілецької Громади в Канаді та Іван Підкович, заступник голови Фундації ім. О. Ольжича в Канаді. Вони поділилися з присутніми своїми згадками про працю покійного у вищезгаданих організаціях, його оптимізм, енергію та невичерпне бажання бути потрібним у розбудові української громади в Канаді та Україні.

Спи спокійно, Дорогий Побратиме! Нехай пам’ять про Тебе буде вічною!

Надія Баб’юк, член Управи Фундації ім. О. Ольжича

P.S. Нижче читайте прощальне слово про світлої пам’яті Романа Шилестинського, яке виголосила під час похорону Його дочка.

Dear Family, Dear Friends,

My mother, sister and I wish to thank you all for being here today to say Goodbye to my father.

I want to say a few words about who my father was.

My dad was a very handsome, charming man. He dressed well, watched his figure, and had a beautiful head of hair – which was much admired, especially by my late bald husband.

He loved music, and he loved to sing. He had a wonderful voice, and could often be found huddled in a corner with his friends at parties or weddings – where they would be singing their hearts out. He made my mum crazy many a Ukrainian Christmas Eve, by rushing to finish dinner so he could leave to go out carolling.

He worked hard all his life, and in his spare time he was always doing something: working in the garden, fixing something – and he could fix anything! He was happier being busy than sitting around, which he did. But he did love to read and over the years he accumulated so many books that one day he started to pack them up. Then he shifted them to a small village school in Ukraine. We have pictures of the library they created and dedicated to him.

Growing up, we were the first house on our street to have a “Wy Fi”. Over time, he had a great collection of musical equipment, speakers, mikes, and he was always delighted to bring them to any zabava in Hawkeston, so everybody could dance. He was a wonderful DJ.

My dad loved animals. We always had a cat in the house when we were kids, and then one day my dad came home and told my sister and I to look in his coat pocket – and there was our first dog – Pooshko. Our home always has had creatures in it, and my dad loved them all.

His cottage at Hawkeston was where he created a spectacular garden. He planted cedars all around the property, he planted fruit trees and shrubs, he grew delicious organic vegetables and beautiful flowers, and rocks. We always laughed that no matter how many rocks we cleared out of the garden, a fresh crop would be growing by the next weekend. How he loved that garden!

He was a proud member of the Ukrainian National Federation all his life and later he joined the Ukrainian War Veterans’ Association. Over the years he worked tirelessly in various organisational positions – secretary, treasurer, president, executive branch member. For years he was a member and Chair of The New Pathway Publishers Board of Directors. He was absolutely dedicated to UNO and he and my mum attended countless meetings, celebrations and parties – whatever he was asked to do, he did with a proud heart.

To sum up, who my father was, – he was a really good man. He was popular, honest, handsome, generous and intelligent. He had an inner sense of right and wrong, and always lived by his convictions. He lived a good long life and we loved him very much, and he loved us. We will always miss him, but he will be in our hearts forever.

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