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Dr. Artem Luhovy Re-Elected UNF-Montreal President

Apr 3, 2017 | Community, Featured

MML Inc., Montreal.

Re-elected for a third term, as UNF-Montreal president is Dr. Artem Luhovy at UNF-Montreal’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) held March 26, 2017.

Attending the Montreal AGM was UNF National president, Taras Pidzamecky, who chaired the proceedings. The AGM secretary was Borys Bilaniuk.

The AGM was officially opened by President Dr. Luhovy who welcomed all members and guests. A review of Robert’s Rules of Order, before continuing with the meeting, helped ensure proper procedure was adhered to.

The president gave a PowerPoint report, with photos, outlining the past year’s work coordinated by him and his executive. Some of the activities Dr. Luhovy included were the annual networking UNF wine and cheese, supporting the work of McGill Ukrainian Students’ Association, supporting UCC-Montreal events, and the continued meetings and projects of the “YHO-literaturne studio” (literary circle), chaired by Rostyslav Neymtsev now in its second year providing a regular forum to discuss Ukrainian literature.

The president thanked his hard working executive, including Evhen Struminsky and Orysia Korol for managing the hall. Other reports given, including a financial report presented by Treasurer Adrian Kowryha. The secretary’s report presented by Andrij Hovorun, a report from the nine-member Donations Committee headed by and presented by Katrusia Smolynec, the UCC-Montreal delegates’ report presented by Katrusia Smolynec on behalf of Petro Zelenko who was visiting family in Australia, and a report by the five-member Archives Committee headed by Yurij Luhovy and presented by Petro Duszara. In the archive report it was pointed out that many of the photos in the UNF branch collection dating back to 1934 can no longer be located, and efforts are being made to find them in private collections.

In his closing remarks, re-elected president Dr. Artem Luhovy thanked Mr. Pidzamecky and everyone present, looking forward to work with his team in continuing to revive and strengthen the Montreal branch. “We will continue to expand and build on our programs for the benefit of the branch and our community.”

The executive elected for 2017-18 includes Dr. Artem Luhovy, president, Evhen Osidacz, Adrian Kowryha, Volodymyr Zelenko, Andrij Hovorun, Anastasia Kyva, Rostyslav Nemtsev, and Katrusia Smolynec. Several working committees formed last year will continue their good work.

The National UNF president Taras Pidzamecky in his concluding remarks emphasized the need to work together for the good of the community. He touched on several matters, including underscoring the significance to safeguard UNF and community archives. This is an important, historical record illustrating the development of UNF, one of the oldest organizations, and the development of the Ukrainian-Canadian community overall. UNF archives also demonstrate how crucial UNF was in the development of the Ukrainian Canadian Congress (UCC). He cited interesting examples. In his visit to the UNF-Sudbury branch, which was one of the strongest and most active branches in Canada, he saw in the Sudbury collection archives pertaining to the UCC-Sudbury branch from the 1940’s. The tight relationship between UNF and UCC is not surprising since UNF was one the five original founding organizations that established UCC. He pointed out that currently, several UNF members, including Slavko Borys and Renata Roman, have prominent positions on UCC National executive. Regarding early history of Montreal, he saw a photo, presently at UNF-Toronto, which was also found in the archives of UNF-Sudbury dating from the 1930’s depicting the early beginnings of UNF-Montreal with over 200 people at a “Striletska Hromada” event in Montreal. Fortunately, this photo was saved.

In his comments, Mr. Pidzamecky pointed out that UNF National is finalizing its work on the new UNF Policies and Procedures bi-laws providing guidelines for each branch in its work.

After the adjournment of the AGM meeting by Borys Bilaniuk, conversations continued on many topics between the over 50 members and guests present. A revival of UNF-Montreal branch continues with many young professionals joining the branch.

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