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UCU Students Create First Virtual Museum of Classical Music in Ukraine

Nov 10, 2017 | Ukraine, Featured, Arts & Culture

Mariya Chubata for NP-UN.

The Ukrainian Catholic University opened Ukraine’s first virtual museum of classical music. The authors are students of UCU’s programs in computer science, history, and culture studies. Work on the project lasted 2 months.

The students did everything themselves, from graphics to information content. In this way they are trying to interest their peers in the classics. The virtual museum is a bridge between the classics and modern technologies. You only need a smartphone to access it.

“First you scan a QR code. Then you go to the corresponding page of our project. Your next step is to connect a headset to your smartphone. Then put the headset on your head and you can enter our wonderful museum,” explains the project’s co-author, Mykola Bilyayev, a computer science student.

Virtual visitors can enter four rooms, each of which reflects an art era: the baroque with Bach, classicism with Mozart, romanticism with Chopin, and impressionism with Debussy.

The interior of each room corresponds to a given era. It shows the most famous paintings of that period, with an explanatory text, and the music of a composer of these years is heard.

“An interesting parallel is that the room for the Romantic era, which the music of Chopin represents for us, has only a grand piano and almost nothing else. The grand piano symbolizes that Chopin chose this instrument as the only object of his creativity, and then more can be found out about his biography,” says Ksenya Stetsenko, co-author of the museum, a student at UCU’s culture studies program.

“The essence of the museum is to give a general picture, an image of what baroque looks like, and romanticism. There are elements that create the atmosphere.” So adds Maria Hirna, the founder of the virtual museum and a student of UCU’s computer science program.

The virtual museum is accessible during the hours of operation of UCU’s Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky Center.

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